This city has grown on me, when I first arrived I was pretty indifferent however given a few days to get under it’s skin and my perception has changed greatly.. it is a city of hidden treats…. beautiful 17th colonial mansions with gardens and courtyards hiding behind plain facades, rich in culture and history (many museums worth a visit) and full of colour and life…. and a heck of a lot of little yellow taxi cabs…
I must confess I am not really with it tonight having been through a bottle or two of vino tinto with friends so in the meantime here’s a couple of snaps to look at until such time as I’m motivated to write the promised page with my thoughts on the practicalities and so on of cycling in this part of the world… (I fly home in lesss than 24hrs so motivation is low right now…. I have better things to do, and I haven’t actually packed my bike yet either, though with all the materials sorted it will only take a few minutes… :o)