Rides bikes, paddles sea kayaks, takes pictures. Life on the road & my home in Cornwall.
Ancud etc…
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If I was asked to summarise Ancud in one photograph I might use this one…
or possibly this one might be more useful..
But I don’t so instead I can just throw a few at you :-) Ancud has a terrific vibe to it, aside from the colour all the folk here seem generally happy.. lots of smiling faces and always some music drifting out from somewhere. I like. I spent a couple of hours wandering around the compact town centre this morning before slinging a leg over my bike after lunch to make a pleasant little sidetrip of about 50km out west to the Pacific coast where I cycled a few kms on empty sands and watched sea-lions in the breakers rolling into the wild stretch of beach.
Oh and despite what that Swiss couple said in Puerto Varas.. it is not a bit like Switzerland, have not seen a single cuckoo clock or bloke in leather shorts.
yellow is a very (very, very) popular colour for the local fishing boats... the wife of the skipper of this boat is probably quite unhappy that her bedroom door is missing...that cannot be comfortable.. I envy creatures... and people that can sleep anywhere.. there is one person in particular I can think of, I can say what I like, it is unlikely he'll read this.. he'll be asleep in the chair...you know those serious, studied portraits that some photographers like to make... miserable failure in Ancud, too many comedians at the market.. I was not given a choice :-)the primary rural economy appears to be based on harvesting shellfish and seaweed (mostly for export to Asia).. great piles of it stacked on bullock carts and taken to be dried either in racks or simply along the side of the roadthe wild northwest coast. Away from the sheltered estuaries the Pacific pounds in. Sealions play in the waves and the rich variety of shells studding the beaches hints at the richness of the local waters. Whale skeletons, or rather rotting whole whales, wash up here in the storms, I visited a chap who has the skeleton of a blue whale in his garden, along with a dried shark and other weird shitfishermans shackshome sweet home.. for someone. As is so often the case the gulf between the wealthy and everyone else is enormousnot just fishing...
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6 thoughts on “Ancud etc…”
Mike Silly question, but are you darkening the edges of some images. If so what quick program are you using for this? Some of the progams make a mess of this.
hey, yup.. guilty on a few. I am using the Panasonic RAW editor and it has a handy little tool for “Lomo-ising” an image, when the light is very flat I like the little extra ‘depth’ it adds.
Mike – Guess what. I have Adobe lightroom 3 on every computer. It has some great vignetting tools. Always avoided using it. If you want any Adobe stuff at a good price let me know -Wfe works for Adobe ( just for a few weeks until we start to pack )
Too bad you didn’t appreciate the beauty and the rich culture of Ancud.It look like you were focus in finding places just not very pleasant views of the city. I do not appreciate calling clowns to those people who are just happy posing for you and be easily be one of my family member.
Next time..take some time try to spent some time and see and learn the the beauty of the beaches..learn about a very rich culture and traditions of Ancud…and be honest and show the reality of my city.
My english is not the best, but I think I made my point.
I think perhaps the way I use english means that you missed my point in that’clown’ is not a derogatory term, it is an affectionate term in the context of my writing. I loved the people of Ancud, perhaps I should have said ‘character’ or comedian instead of clown.. I must make it clear, I did not ask those guys for a photo, they saw me with a camera and did that with the vegetables and then called me from across the street, as for the beauty, I thought Ancud was great, one of my favourite places. Just because I like to photograph in a particular way does not mean I did not appreciate the beauty of the city. think of it from my point of view. England seems dull to me frequently, Ancud had colour and texture , I photograph what is different to my home town and interesting to me, I am not photographing a brochure for Chile tourism. I do not like to photograph ‘postcard pictures’, people can see that from any google search of Ancud. I hope that makes sense, No offence intended.
all the best,.
Mike Silly question, but are you darkening the edges of some images. If so what quick program are you using for this? Some of the progams make a mess of this.
hey, yup.. guilty on a few. I am using the Panasonic RAW editor and it has a handy little tool for “Lomo-ising” an image, when the light is very flat I like the little extra ‘depth’ it adds.
Mike – Guess what. I have Adobe lightroom 3 on every computer. It has some great vignetting tools. Always avoided using it. If you want any Adobe stuff at a good price let me know -Wfe works for Adobe ( just for a few weeks until we start to pack )
mmmmm, ygm ;-)
Too bad you didn’t appreciate the beauty and the rich culture of Ancud.It look like you were focus in finding places just not very pleasant views of the city. I do not appreciate calling clowns to those people who are just happy posing for you and be easily be one of my family member.
Next time..take some time try to spent some time and see and learn the the beauty of the beaches..learn about a very rich culture and traditions of Ancud…and be honest and show the reality of my city.
My english is not the best, but I think I made my point.
I think perhaps the way I use english means that you missed my point in that’clown’ is not a derogatory term, it is an affectionate term in the context of my writing. I loved the people of Ancud, perhaps I should have said ‘character’ or comedian instead of clown.. I must make it clear, I did not ask those guys for a photo, they saw me with a camera and did that with the vegetables and then called me from across the street, as for the beauty, I thought Ancud was great, one of my favourite places. Just because I like to photograph in a particular way does not mean I did not appreciate the beauty of the city. think of it from my point of view. England seems dull to me frequently, Ancud had colour and texture , I photograph what is different to my home town and interesting to me, I am not photographing a brochure for Chile tourism. I do not like to photograph ‘postcard pictures’, people can see that from any google search of Ancud. I hope that makes sense, No offence intended.
all the best,.