A few weeks ago when I first wrote about A Boatbuilder’s Story I also mentioned I was working on another project.. as that other project now nears completion I can present a preview I think. It is not a travelog about cycle touring in South America, neither is it a diary. It is simply a photo essay. The draft introduction, still subject to change, says it all..
A journey by bicycle following the Andes from a latitude of approximately 5 degrees north in Colombia to 55 degrees south at the tip of Tierra del Fuego. These are some of the places in between.
I should be ready to go to print in a couple of weeks. 132 pages of interesting photography, initially in softcover only. Naturally I hope you’ll buy a copy ;-)
(update.. as of 24 May 11 it is now available, see this post: https://www.seasurfdirt.com/2011/05/24/sixty-degrees-of-latitude/ )
The following are a few screen grabs, they’re small but they’ll give you a flavour..
Stay tuned..
Nice one Mike, I love it and it’s going to be stunning
thanks John :-)
Looking just great there Mike- fab work. We are just about ready to roll into the hot Californian sun having preped the bikes. Hope the printing goes well -get it proof read again and again.
ah, looking fwd to reading the next leg of your journey!
Mike, the book looks fantastic, such a collection of beautiful images. Congratulations!
I have a question… Did you end up taking the GF1 on your last SA trip, and if so, how did your 50mm Leica portrait lens work out? I’m still looking at options, like the Voigtlander Nokton you suggested – might be out of my price range at the moment though. I’m in the UK briefly, and on the lookout…
Can’t track down your email address at the moment…
hey Cass, it’s great to hear from you, I have been following your journey with interest as I sit here back in the UK and wonder what is next, hehe. Anyway, yes I did take the GF1 with panasonic 14mm & 20mm lenses and the Leica Summilux 50mm with the eBay adapter – it worked absolutely brilliantly. The GF1 has a feature that lets you zoom the viewfinder for fine focusing. I found it quick and easy to use the leica lens and image quality was as you’d expect. The sensor in the GF1 sits in a slightly different plane to the film in a leica body so the scale on the lens is slightly off with respect to focusing but that is only an issue if scale focusing, in normal use it’s perfect.
Anyway, thanks for the nice words re the book, I received the first hard proof last week, looks really nice but I decided it needed a couple of changes so should have that ready in a couple of days… Be nice if it was a career move, lol, but I’ll just about break even I hope..
Hi Mike, beautiful book! I gave it a plug for you on our Facebook group and Twitter. Hope it does really well for you.
ah thanks Friedel!