It is a very rare day indeed when the ocean has not a ripple on the western side of the Lizard Peninsula. Fully exposed to the Atlantic there is usually at least some swell to play with as it surges around and through the various rocks and gullies that characterise this bit of coast. But not today. Not a ripple. While it does not make for particularly exciting paddling it is still a fantastic place to paddle, with little movement in the ocean it possible to gain access to some very tight cracks and gullies at the base of the serpentinite cliffs that are otherwise unapproachable. It is particularly rewarding for the technical paddler that likes to thread his/her kayak through tight spot after tight spot in as elegant a manner as possible, a paucity of strokes giving the illusion of effortless control… well, I enjoy it anyway. The only possible downside being that the bases of the towering cliffs are often in shadow so rubbish for pictures, so I didn’t bother. I did however bother with a few snaps of other bits…
Looks like a Great Day!. Awesome Jellyfish! Dude, its’ huge!
they’re awesome aren’t they!
Absolutely… Not sure if I would want to swim with one though!
Great stuff, I must get back there…
The view is really attractive.