Restless on a cold and piddling wet Friday afternoon and insufficiently motivated to head out on a ride … I haven’t had a chance to do anything with respect to a proper portfolio yet so instead thought I might take 5 minutes to continue in the vein of sharing a few pictures that haven’t been shown here properly before.. so.. a few street portraits from northwest China.. mostly Uyghur and Tajik folk. Really lovely, welcoming people. All pics Fuji Provia 100F.
On second thoughts I’m fibbing.. I can always find the motivation to go riding regardless of how rubbish the weather.. see ya!
Great series. Wonderful portraits.
Cheers Viktor :-)
just when I am thinking of selling my Nikon fm2 you remind me of film cameras.
haha don’t sell it. all these were taken on an old FM2 with 35, 50 and 85mm lenses.
Colors are perfect in the pepper seller pic!
Wherever you go you capture the true essence!
aww thank you, that’s very kind of you to say so :-)