Have been feeling utterly uninspired to write of late – no stories to tell or anything much interesting at all to say really… just riding and stuff… I think it’s a late winter thing but with spring proper just around the corner I’m hoping that will change. I always quite look forward to winter – in October I’m thinking about winter things – the satisfaction of cold and stormy winter rides or sea kayak days out followed by long evenings by a log fire and so on – all that romantic crap.. but by early March, and particularly this year after such a rough winter, I’m starting to run out of steam with regard to keeping the enthusiasm going.. :-) There are still good things however to be enjoyed, the weather yesterday was perfect for a hike out on the cliffs – a bitingly cold, howling northerly with fast moving squalls with hailstones and heavy rain meant fast changing light and an abundance of my favourite colours in the seascape. It’s a view of Cornwall the summer tourists never get to enjoy and in many respects I think it is Cornwall at its best.
Brilliant how you manage to get great pictures of seemingly dull, grey landscapes. And such a world apart from where we are in NE India… Cheers
ah, thanks, one tries… the light down here can be amazing…. but more often than not it is just dull, grey and flat….
Hey, Mike. These are spectacular—so glad you posted, no words or stories necessary! I especially love the gull and approaching squall. Someday, someday… Cornwall is on our “to visit” (and “to paddle”!) list. Be well, Jean
oh that’s jolly kind of you! I hope you do make it Cornwall one day, as a paddling spot there are few better :-)