Having been utterly lacking with regard to motivation to write anything recently I thought I might make the effort to tell a very brief story of a regression to the summers of my childhood. Not that I ever grew up or anything it’s just that those warm summer days with their soundtrack of skylarks high above the fields of ripening wheat and the hum of bees around the wild flowers feel as if they have been in rather short supply recently. So, with proper summer weather very much in force, and following a rather agreeable early morning surf yesterday with a pod of dolphins in attendance I hopped on my bike with a friend for a two-wheeled ramble east towards the Cornwall of my childhood where summers were filled with days riding bikes along clifftop trails, fishing off the rocks, messing about in boats along the sheltered coast, chasing model aeroplanes across the fields, and sleeping out… I’m doing nothing more than playing on my bike, and it’s brilliant.
Thanks for the pics. Absolutely stunning – and inspiring.
I particularly liked the dichotomy between nostalgia and the pint! Either that … or you discovered the amber nectar earlier than I ;-)
haha, cheers for reading, and yeah re the pint, there are indeed a few childhood summer memories associated with that, especially when combined with a packet of salt and vinegar crisps (also in Portscatho), but i was of course a well-behaved child, everything in moderation and all that….;-)
Great photos bud
hey, great to hear from you, and cheers!