November seems to have brought winter with it in emphatic fashion after what seemed to be a mostly dry and sunny October… and that means the return of the stormy skies and dramatic lighting that I like very much… I dashed down to the beach for an hour between storms yesterday with my camera for some air. It was well worth it and represented some sort of compensation for being sufficiently under the weather that riding and kayaking weren’t really options. Here’s a few pics.
I love those pix Mike.
As you say very dramatic skies and the guy seems to know what he’s doing (did a bit of windsurfing back in my days too but nothing like that!)
ah cheers! It does look an ace thing to be doing doesn’t it!
That’s an awesome shot of the horizontal windsurfer complete with trailing spray!
Makes me want to take up photography…
hehe, cheers! As for photography, more just a case of remembering to take a camera when you go for a walk :-)