… not unexpectedly, some street photography from Chivay. It’s a lovely little town and so far being forced to stick around hasn’t been a chore, rather the opposite.. although I am having periods of low morale as the days tick by and I still feel weak and chesty… But as always when I spend a bit of time in a place the place seems to make time for me. There are some friendly folk around, this morning while out wandering I happened to fall into a conversation with a chap outside his house. He invited me in.. and sitting there was a girl, Sara, I knew as staff from the hostal in Arequipa. The chap I’d been talking to was her dad. She was visiting for the weekend :-) They have some rooms for guests so if I need to stick around past Sunday (the day I’m paid up until) I can go and stay with them. I do hope I can get going again on Sunday however… Still the downtime has been an opportunity to catch up with some work, and of course take a few pictures… but before I post those here’s a recommendation if you’re passing this way. I’ve been eating at a lovely little parilla pretty much every day, tried a few other places but honestly the Qorilazo Grill just a block from the plaza (avenida Siglo XX #215) can’t be beat IMO. I’ve been lucky too, there’s a super Argentine chap, Matias (think that’s the spelling), working there for a bit to fund his continued travels around South America. We’ve had lots to talk about which of course, as a solo traveller, is brilliant.