Rides bikes, paddles sea kayaks, takes pictures. Life on the road & my home in Cornwall.
A fluff-covered heap
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Do you remember as a kid you had, or might have had, those sticky rubber creepy crawlies you could fling at a window and watch them slowly creep their way down… this post is kind of one of those, entirely pointless with the exception that the rubber toy is just a bunch of photos and the window is the internet. They might stick and work as some sort of mini-adventure inspiration… or they might end up unloved in a fluff-covered heap somewhere on the floor.
It would seem that for once I did something sensible in hitting the abort button in Peru. I’ve received appropriate medical attention, and while it could take a year or two to settle down apparently, had I not got proper help the likelihood of permanent damage turns out to have been quite high. Happily I can still ride a bike, albeit maybe slightly more slowly than normal.. not that you’d notice…, and I should probably avoid altitude for a little bit. So we’ll see but definitely not planning on hanging up my touring wheels just yet.