I feel as if I should apologise to my cycling readership for the recently rather kayak-heavy flavour of my posts… It’s not that I am not riding, I am.. it’s just that nothing exciting is going on in that department right now.. Just cruising around and not really missing the racing scene and attendant training schedules at all :-) I may have some adventure cycling flavour of news to share soon however but in the meantime however it is back to kayaking and things of a carbon flavour… :-)
The Greenland Paddle.. the latest iteration has proven to be the nicest paddle I have ever used I think.. the word that sprung to mind while out testing it on a choppy day was “silky”.. the blade is wonderfully well behaved in the water and appears to be very efficient. The 600g weight is thoroughly spoiling me..
Fins then.. I didn’t really plan to write any more about these but I feel compelled to. I have a couple of sets of 3.5″ fins in use by friends and the feedback has been fantastic. The performance of them as compared with commercial glass fins does appear to offer a significant improvement in speed and responsiveness. Durability appears to be excellent too. Later this year I’ll get around to developing some more templates.
All of that, and the ongoing Boatbuilder’s Story project is going to have to wait until the fall.. sorry, autumn. In 10 days time I’m off up to the Outer Hebrides to pick up a job working as a sea kayak adventure guide. A summer of week long kayak/camping adventures among the wild coastlines of Barra, Uist & Harris. Can’t wait.. but it is also going to be the longest period away from my bike and riding for, oh.. 15 years or more . Will probably do me good,