With reference to my last post below Shelterbox are right now enroute with aid to Chile after the massive earthquake there a few days ago. With their resources already stretched by the Haiti quake my journey and your donations are more relevant than ever… so please, point your mouse to that blue ‘Justgiving’ button on the right and help out… The latest Shelterbox news is here: http://www.shelterbox.org/news.php
Chile Archive
El Jardin de Patagonia….
Hola, today I’m writing from Valle la Angostura in Argentina, it calls itself El Jardin de Patagonia… and it really is rather beautiful. The town looks and feels almost identical to Banff, same homogenous natural wood and stone architecture, shops geared towards mountain sports and so on.. very much the mountain resort… just without the Japanese tourists… but loads of Argentine visitors, busiest place I’ve seen so far :-) So, back to Monday evening…. having …
a bit more from Entre Lagos
just as a further update to my big update below… this one is for all my friends at work who thought I was a bit mad coming here on a bike…. it’s been a terrific day, muy mellow. Entre Lagos is very peaceful compared to the hubbub of Sunday, there’s no wind either so the lake is in a mellow mood too… perfect day for packing in the calories and hanging out by the lakeside …
perro en un alambre….
Hello, bit of a long one this I’m afraid. My diary of the last few days… hope you’re sitting comfortably…. Friday 15th: One of the advantages of carrying a little laptop with me is that, aside from advancing my knowledge (sounds better than merely ‘learning’ don’t you think…) of Spanish and listening to music I can also write stuff for my blog while chilling of an evening by my tent… as I write I’m sat …
Shelterbox, the Haiti Earthquake, & the last from Puerto Montt
Just a news update, Shelterbox are responding as quickly as possible to the tragedy in Haiti, you can read more about it here: http://www.shelterbox.org/news.php?id=230 They’re in need of your help so if able to any donations gratefully accepted either direct via the Shelterbox site or my Just Giving page. As for me the hardest part of my journey is tomorrow morning… the mental hurdle of leaving the security of a hostel, getting on my bike …
a few pics while I’m at it
ok, a few photos of this place that might convey some of the flavour… i.e bit scruffy, colourful with some interesting bits but otherwise ‘mostly’normal’… sounds like a description of someone I know :-) It’s a shame it’s so cloudy at the moment, can’t see the mountains/volcanoes. ho hum. it’s not all like this… but it is colourful :-) local ferries poor guy having a bad day… the chap in the bronze is having a …
Bienvenido a Puerto Montt….
It’s a hell of a long way to come to ride a bicycle, from the moment I checked in at Heathrow to falling out of the plane at Puerto Montt was approx 29hrs… worth it though I think, and despite the stress of my flight cancellation to Madrid due to heavy snow .. in Madrid …it was a journey with a good vibe… I’ll explain in a minute but first back to beginning.. Given the …