I understand that for some folk who received the email version of my last post, rather than clicking through to the blog , itself pictures were missing. No idea why, sorry about that. If you were missing pictures then click through to https://www.seasurfdirt.com/2013/10/13/eskisehir-the-end-of-my-road and all should make sense.. While I’m on.. here’s a couple more pics of Eskişehir, a really lovely town. I spent my last evening there sitting in a cafe on the canal, …
Tag: Eskisehir
Eskişehir… the end of my road
It is only 140km from Afyon to Eskişehir but it is very much a journey that needs to be taken slowly over 2 days and savoured.. and it is worth a decent post here… it was a wonderful ride. There are plenty of reasons and opportunities to dawdle from enjoying the fine landscape of the Phygian Valley to the enormous rock carvings and cliff tombs left behind by the Phyrgians after whom the valley is named. …